XXXG-00W0 (ver. 30th Anniversary)
Hello fellow hobbyists! Some of us have models are in a state of disrepair after taking a hiatus due to various reasons.
For myself, I have one such Gunpla that was left exposed to the elements for around 3 years, a 30th Anniversary version of the Wing Gundam Zero (EW) Custom:
Dirt accumulation on head and Wing Attachment sites.
Dirt Accumulation on Gunpla Legs and discoloration of Wing parts.
Parts falling off the Gunpla. Chipped Buster Rifle Barrel.
Restoration Process:Twin Buster Rifles
The first thing I did was break the other Buster Rifle in the same way, so both Rifles look the same.
The chipped barrels are then stored away in case I find the time to reattach them someday.
Dirt Removal and Reassembly
Next, is to remove all the dirt that has accumulated over the course of 3 years.
I opted to use Detergent for this (Oxyhome brand).
Usage Method:
1. Add the powder into a container large enough to hold the Gunpla
(I used 3 scoops)
(I used 3 scoops)
2. Pour enough hot water into the container so that the Gunpla is submerged
3. Stir the liquid, and rinse the Gunpla in clean water after the cleaning is completed.
Here's a timelapse video of the process:
Posing and Storage
Although the feather bits remain discolored, overall I was happy with the results and started to pose my newly restored Wing Zero Gunpla.
I also started to assemble a display case for it that was bought together with the Gunpla:
Low quality display case. Assembly tricks will be shared in a separate post.
1st Pose that I attempted with the Gunpla.
Results are subpar due to weak attachment of Twin Buster Rifle (dangling) on hand.
Results are subpar due to weak attachment of Twin Buster Rifle (dangling) on hand.
Final Pose that I settled for.
The front wing helps conceal build mistakes on the Twin Buster Rifles.
The front wing helps conceal build mistakes on the Twin Buster Rifles.
And that will be all for this post. Do you have a Gunpla currently in a state of disrepair?
Hopefully my post will motivate you to restore your Gunpla to it's former glory!
As for myself, I will be looking for a solution to the discolored feather bits on my Wing Zero.
Stay tuned for next time!
Best Regards,
The Humble Artisan.
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